Ps 40:12 “…. My heart has failed me”
How often we groan and become anxious when things don’t go well with us. And almost all the time we try to find the answers from without. One such anxious situation of Jacob while his sons had to go through planned plight in Egypt, and this was rocking him through, and he cries “…All things are against me” Gen 42: 36. If any point of time if you happen to undergo haphazard situation and you are in a helpless condition, then it’s time to investigate to see if there is any internal system failure. David in this verse 12 groans saying “for evils beyond number have surrounded me, my iniquities have overtaken me so that I am not able to see they are numerous than my head and my heart has failed me.” How often we suppress the inner voice that comes from the Precious heart that Christ connects with. Due to our presumptuous sin we entrap our self and are guilty resulting to breakdown and then try to manage and fabricate the situation with weak solutions in order to suppress the guilt. We have different scientific branch of studies that help us to acquire temporary peace to an extent when there is an internal system failure. There are these Psychologists that help us to “FEEL BETTER” through temporary processes; after all cognitive psychology has been dealing with forgiveness and guilt for decades. Getting rid of guilt is in our interest and historically has been one of humanity’s greatest desires. Have you heard of the distinction between a neurotic and a psychotic? A neurotic, because of anxiety and guilt and distress, builds castles in the air. A psychotic, because he’s lost touch with reality, lives in those air castles, and a psychologist collects rent from both. And then we have this Priest advising us to “DO BETTER” You suppress your conscience so that you’re not particularly alive to its voice anymore. Only talk about Horizontal forgiveness. And then the Philosophies that demands us to “THINK BETTER” to help us to oversee the internal disturbances.