Right from the beginning of this year I was inundated with the two thoughts; having the mind of Christ that I penned down in Jan’12, and being led by the Spirit of God that I wanted to put it down this time. Before I can mark it across I thought I should articulate this with all humility, to anyone who happens to read this blog “liferedifened4god” that one of my dear brother in Christ motivated me and helped me to create it, and wanted to put my thoughts into. But honestly wanted to say that this is not meant to display ME. And there is nothing great in having a Blog site or even a website with loaded followers, which can be possible most of the time. Also I do not intend to create a monthly write up as part of my writing skill and pattern. The Lord in different situation has intervened so powerfully that I thought should pen down the conviction for my learning and reference, and the same to be a source of inspiration to someone. I am sure the spirit of the Lord intervenes, speaks, inspires every individual to draw closer to Him, I would suggest that we pen it down for our personal reminders and to the inspiration to the one who will read the same. Hab 2:2 says “Write the Vision and make it plain upon tablets that he may run that readeth it.” It would be really great if we can record the vision and convictions, which necessarily has to substantiate with the Word of God and then to be on our heels to action. And if the same can be the source of influence and inspiration, then this chain will keep impacting each other. We are in the days with too many opinions, information’s, and pleasing messages without a stronger conviction. I pray that we surrender to His will and be led by Him.
All are not God’s Children but yes, definitely all are God’s creation. And to have the privilege of calling Abba father and being led by the spirit of God is no doubt the divine blessing in ones life. Rom 8:14 “Those who are led by God's Spirit are God's children.” a verse of hope and assurance is promised only for the one who has given oneself completely in His hands. Being led would mean His Provision, and then His Supervision in all times. It is sad that most of us substitute Gods provision by Power, Money and Fame, commonly called PMF index. Ask any one on the streets what they aspire, definitely at least one of the above will be as a part of their dream. And it is so entwined that it cannot stop with one, which means that it will lead to the aspiration of another. Now we see the fourth factor is attaching to the PMF Index which is the “fan club”. Take any social website, Christian website, Blog site; the number of followers and fans becomes so important and significant and decides the success.
And then, just because someone is paid more than average probably in 5 or 6 figures does not qualify that he are she is led by God, then at that case the many outsiders who having the world richness would also claim that they are being led by God. Being led by God also does not mean Materialism, nor it necessarily guarantee all situations will work out perfectly for you. But yes His Provision will be always available for you at any situation. The Familiar verse most often quoted from Rom 8:28 “And we know that to them that love God all things work together for good, even to them that are called according to his purpose” forget the previous verse, 27 of the same chapter in Romans “and he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit.” With the right and pure heart when we surrender our will then we can see the leading of the holy spirit obvious in our lives. Pro 20:24 Man’s steps are ordained by the Lord, how then can man understand his way” A sinless holy life conscious of how he or she may bring joy to the Lord by deeds and thoughts can understand this, because he or she has the Mind of Christ. And it is important that we do not lean on our own understanding, and on the set of worked out patterns and experiences based on the past. Things may not happen based on your expectation but definitely it will fall in line with the blue print designed for your life by the Most High, and that will be marvelous in your eyes. Ps 118:22
In situation when things are not favorable what do we do then? Can we still say that we are led by God? If we note what David in Psalms 119:23 says “Even through princes sit and talk against me, your servant will mediate on your statutes.” As we continue to learn depending and clinging on Him and cherish His love, then He paves the way for us and leads us thoroughly. The famous Psalms 23:4 “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me”